And whilst I wasted most of yesterday being ‘busy doing nothing’, Tallulah and Grandad had a great time in London.  Lunch at Wagamama’s,  ‘Follies’ at the National in the afternoon and tea at Starbucks on the way back to the train and thoroughly enjoyed themselves and better still didn’t get lost or even lose each other.

Whilst I drifted about and made Minestrone Soup to greet the weary travellers with on their return and did very little else.  It was great.

Today we shall deliver her back home but we have just let her have a little lay-in, an old family saying ‘Never wake a sleeping teenager’.  We shall have to soon though, she has homework etc.  Things to do and places to go and school tomorrow!

I like it when everyone is back in their respective little slots, until the next adventure that is!