
IMG_E1158Tiny little Uranium Glass bowl, stunning isn’t it?


This is the same bowl but in daylight, surprising eh!

Very deceiving some things, the first picture was taken under a UV or Black Light, which shows the uranium that they mixed into the molten glass.  And well over a hundred years old, Victorian right down to its frilly feet.

The story goes that experimenting to find a good green colour the glass makers chanced upon this lovely yellow and the Victorians loved it and bear in mind that they didn’t have UV lights they bought it for its cheery colour.

It was/is called Pearline and people collect it now for its uranium glow and have cabinets made with lighting so that they can sit and admire the green glow.

We are often asked if it will make a geiger counter click, and yes it will but really only as much as…

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