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This picture is from 1872 American Magazine titled Harper’s Weekly.  Predominately American but the articles in it cover the whole world and this print is from a series of about London.  Things haven’t changed a whole lot it appears.

These pictures of London were by Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold, who co-operated to produce and publish a controversial, in the eyes of the Establishment, book about London.  The ‘Worthies’ of society felt that the book focused too much on the poverty and vulgarity of the City.

See any parallels here?

Out of sight, out of mind!

There was then it seems,  just as now plenty of injustice and poverty to comment upon.

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However they drew and published what they saw, and to be even handed, although I haven’t put any of the pictures of the Upper Classes in this post, they put them all in their book.

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1872, not that long ago in terms of Generations, it appears that our Civilisation hasn’t moved on greatly since our Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers time.

What a terrible shame!

And I am ashamed of us.